The Power in Peace: Uncle Iroh’s Appeal

Uncle Iroh Poster - Make Tea Not War by wcqaguxa on DeviantArt
“It is more noble to have power and not use it unless absolutely necessary, than to have no power when it counts most.” – Me (Drew Jacoby), in an Avatar fan group, talking about Iroh

Why is it that we tend to respect someone peaceful like Iroh more than someone even stronger, such as Fire Lord Ozai?

Because the Iroh that we know CHOOSES not to use brute force unless for defense of self or another. Brother to the ruler of the Fire Nation (during Avatar The Last Airbender), Iroh is an incredible and experienced firebender. He could easily use his status and/or prowess to get his way. Many would even claim he is among the strongest characters in the series.

Even when he is getting mugged, rather than fighting back, he opts to correct the thief on their stance…

How Uncle Iroh deals with thieves (With images) | The last ...
If this isn’t the epitome of grace, what is?

We have witnessed Iroh’s firebending mastery. It has saved him and those he cares about in countless scenarios. But let’s take a step back and imagine he did not have this strength; imagine him virtually powerless, but still being Fire Nation royalty. Where would that leave him?

It would leave him kind, but weak. He would be walked all over and taken advantage of by his underlings and seniors. He would do all he can to reduce confrontation or arguments, making him more agreeable. People do this to feel safe, both physically and emotionally, because what other choice do the powerless have?

Think of all the things that would not have happened without Iroh’s abilities: he would not have saved Katara and Aang from Zuko and Azula; he would be unable to lead, assist or form the Order of the White Lotus; he could not protect Zuko about lightning nor be his teacher…and the list goes on. Undoubtedly, a weak Iroh would not be the same wise-yet-capable man we’ve grown to love over the past decade and a half.

Dr. Jordan Peterson references psychologist Carl Jung in a lecture related to this topic. Jung says if you do not have power, you are a victim who anyone who does, by default. But once one ‘grows teeth’ (moreso symbolism for humans; literally for some animals) and realizes they have power, they demand respect from themselves and, as a result, respect from others as well. Jung also claims that having the ability to be cruel and choosing not to, is a stronger moral statement than not having that ability at all. Just because you are unable to display strength does not mean you are a better person, by any means; in fact, that may work against you.

Think of a muscular man. People are less likely to start a fight with him; they realize odds are that it would not go well from them. Most people like that do not have to go around berating or fighting those weaker than them, because they know they are safe. The flipside of that is those who do not possess power. This will eventually lead to insecurities; bullying, unhealthy relationships of all calibers, and jealousy are just a few of the results of said insecurities.

Many of these are preventable. Become competent: physically, mentally, emotionally. Become competent in your craft, your life mission, your skill sets. It will make you a more attractive human being in every sense. You will be more attractive to potential partners, to family, to friends, and most importantly – to yourself!

As far as I know, we can’t firebend. BUT, we can find our own inner fire, our own passion, our own power. It makes you a different person with a different energy. Wielding power, and choosing not to use it, is a noble act that will ultimately serve you and those you love.

Not everyone will agree with you – notice how some people oppose even someone as ‘general’ly peaceful like Iroh. There will be resentment involved. There will be someone trying to take you down – but that simply proves that you have presence. & Presence is power. Just make it for the right kind of presence, like our good friend Uncle Iroh.

It’s up to you to find your inner power during your journey. What kind of character will you grow into as the seasons progress? Only time will tell…but chase excellence only. šŸ˜‰

Your Zenemy,


Published by C.E.O. x Media

The goal of the Chasing Excellence Only movement is to promote you to 'CEO' of your own life. What does this mean? Call the shots, set the standard, and constantly grow into who your soul wants to be.

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